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  • Passes - Leura Cascades / Fern Bower

    Track Type1Maintained tourist track.
    Track Condition2Good.
    Exposure1No Exposure

    The Leura Cascades / Amphitheatre  & Fern Bower tracks are the two alternatives which link the end of Federal Pass with Cliff Drive. A number of other lesser quality, less travelled side tracks explore some of the hidden gems of the area.

    The Leura Cascades is one of the wettest gullies in the area. There is a profusion of subtropical rainforest plants, mosses and fungi.


    • Cliff Drive, Katoomba
    • Federal Pass
    • Dardenalles Pass
    • Leura Firetrail
    • Lindeman Pass

    Map:   Katoomba


    The Leura Cascades track leaves from the car park and follows Leura Creek as it flows over Leura Cascades. From the top of Bridal Falls the tracks ascends to a ledge that leads round to the next gully. From this track take the track which goes left down the steps and descend tot he bottom of Bridal Veil Falls.

    The Amphitheatre track starts at the bottom of Bridal Veil Falls. It follows the creek down for a short while then heads around throgh the amphitheatre to join the Fern Bower track at the head of Federl Pass.

    Fern Bower track starts from the Prince Henry Cliff Walk. Closest access from cliff drive are from a) the corner of Cliff Drive and Merriwa St and b) Cliff Drive opposite the car park for the Solitary Restaurant.

    Bridal Falls "Ladder"

    Called a ladder, this is actually a track with a few steps cut into the rock at the top next to the waterfall. It can be accessed at the top by jumping the fence but this is not recommended as it is exposed and slippery. There is easy access a little further down the track which only misses those slippery steps. The trackis steep and overgrown but safe enough.

    Leura Falls "Ladder"

    Again cCalled a ladder, but with  quite a few more steps cut into the rock at the top next to the waterfall. The bottom half is easily climbed (this is as far as I was prepared to go on my own. The top section looks more exposed and very slippery especially the last lot of steps at the top. Once on top of the falls the track continues up the creek where a set of steps / rail have been removed. This can be climbed.

    Due to its very slippery nature I advise that this ladder shuld only be climbed not descended. You might want to think about protection on the exposed top part as well.

    The Tunnel track is a shortcut which connects the Amphitheatre track with Lindeman Pass. It is very steep and slippery and is really only a route / footpad. Although navigation is simple the slippery 2-3m climb in the middle of the route makes it more difficult. It starts at the big left hand bend (going down) on the Amphitheatre track. It descends the Amphitheatre gully. The bottom can be found on Lindeman Pass on the left (heading to Leura Falls) just before you start descending to Leura Falls.

    I have not yet explored the extension of the Tunnel track from Lindeman Pass to the track from Marguerite Cascades to Adelina Cascades.

    Sewerage Workers track

    This track follows the old sewer pipes down to the abandoned Leura treatment site further down the valley. It would have originally included the two "Ladders" up Leura and Bridal Veil Falls as these follow the pipe. The section immediately below Lindeman Pass is overgrown and slippery when wet.

    Weeping Rock and Flying Fox tracks

    These are short tracks which explore the area above Leura Falls. Weeping rock can be seen from the Amphitheatre track bridge but this just gets you right there.

    The Flying fox remains can be found on the eastern side of the creek directly up from Leura Falls. The track / footpad starts at the junction of Leura creek and the gully which comes in from the east below Weeping Rock.

    Marguerite Cascades to Adelina Cascades

    I haven't documented this track yet, although I walked it once by mistake on my original search for Lindeman Pass.


    Last updated : 01 Mar 2024


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    Tremellodon gellatinosum - Leura Cascades


    Leura Falls - Bolt at top


    Leura Falls - Flying Fox cable


    Leura Falls - Flying Fox remains


    Leura Falls - Flying Fox remains


    Leura Falls - Flying Fox Winding motor


    Leura Falls - from above


    Adelina Cascades


    Adelina Cascades - old drums caught