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  • Tracks - Lions Head Ridge

    Track Type3Unmarked track.
    Track Condition3OK, some work needed.
    Exposure1No Exposure

    The Lions Head Ridge track is approximately 3km long. It winds its way from Double Hill on Tablelands Road out to and along the cliff line to Lions Head. The section along the cliff line affords fantastic views of the Jamison Valley and down Kedumba River to the Coxs. THis track gives access to 4 separeate passes into the valley. Lion's Head Pass - the most wel known, Holbeech's Descent - a steep pass off the southern side of Lion's Head and two less known passes down gullies between Lion' Head Pass and Lion's Head.


    • Tablelands Rd, Wentworth Falls
    • Lions Head Pass

    Map:   Jamison

    Track Notes:

    The track is generally easy to follow with cairns appropriately placed where people have gone astray in the past. The track is not very wide in may places and one can get drenched very quickly the next day after rain.

    The track starts 4.75km after taking the right fork onto the dirt of Tablelands Rd. (591 581, S 33°47.389' E 150°23.915').

    Access to Lions Head Pass is from this track. At the point where Lions Head becomes fully visible (see photo) the start of the pass can be found in the second gully. (580 561, S 33°48.482' E 150°23.146')

    A number of bird and flower species can be spotted on the way. Here are just some I have seen :

    • Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoo
    • Red Tailed Black Cockatoo
    • European Greenfinch
    • Lyre birds
    • Acacia terminalis
    • Acacia sauveolens
    • Banksia spinulosa
    • Banksia serrata
    • Boronia pinnata
    • Allocasuarina distyla


    Last updated : 12 Sep 2016


    2017-11-27Ashley JobseI did this walk recently. The views are just amazing! I was lucky to get some close up picks of some Red tailed Black Cockatoos as they gave me a fright while I was walking carefully not to encounter any snakes.
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    Lions Head Track Start


    Lions Head Ridge


    Lions Head - First View


    Red Tailed Black Cockatoo - Lions Head ridge


    Acacia sauveolens - Lions Head Ridge


    Acacia Terminalis - Lions Head Ridge


    Allocasuarina distyla - Lions Head Ridge


    Banksia serrata - Lions Head Ridge


    Banksia spinulosa - Lions Head Ridge


    Boronia pinnata - Lions Head Ridge


    Trametes fungus - Lions Head Ridge