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  • Tracks - Prince Henry Cliff Walk

    Track Type1Maintained tourist track.
    Track Condition2Good.
    Exposure1No Exposure
    Length6.8 km (10km including track to every lookout)
    Vertical80m, altitude varies between 960m -Echo Point, & 880m - Leura Cascades

    Prince Henry Cliff Walk runs from the back of Scenic World, Katoomba to Gordon Falls Reserve, Leura. It travels through a variety of vegetation types, from open forests to temperate rain forest to wind swept heath. The track can be connected to the tracks around Wentworth Falls and the Valley of the Waters through the Pool of Siloam, and a short walk accross the streets of Sublime point to the Fairmont Resort whrere the Grand cliff top walk starts.

    Of all the tracks in the area it commands the most accessible views with at least 25 lookouts (not counting those not named) giving fantastic views over different parts of the valley.

    Here are the names of the lookouts in order from Scenic World to Three Sisters:

    • Duchess of York (502 648)
    • Kedumba River (502 648)
    • Cliff View (503 646)
    • Wollumai (504 645)
    • Allambie (505 645)
    • Lady Darleys (506 645)
    • Echo Point (509 642)
    • Queen Elizabeth (510 643)
    • Spooners (510 642)

    Three Sisters to Leura Cascades:

    • Lady Carrington (512 643)
    • Tallawalla( 513 645)
    • Millamurra (513 645)
    • Honeymoon (514 648)
    • Lomandra (515 651)
    • Burrabarroo (514 654)
    • Flat Rock (516 654)
    • Lyrebird (516 654)
    • Kiah (the Fossil) (516 654)
    • Copeland (517 652
    • Bridal Veil (517 654)
    • Majestic (518 654)

    From Leura Cascades to Gordon Falls:

    • Bridal Veil View (519 652)
    • Tarpeian Rock (521 652)
    • Olympian Rock (514 650)
    • Elysian Rock (526 650)
    • Gordon Falls (528 649)
    • Golf Links (on Pool of Siloam track) (531 649)


    • Cliff Drive, Katoomba & Leura
    • Gordon Falls Reserve, Leura
    • Olympian Parade, Leura

    Map:   Jamison


    Tack notes are not really required for this walk, but I have added some useful information.

    1) the section between Scenic World and the Three Sisters is paved and suitable for wheelchairs (except the section which dips into Katoomba Cascades). As such is is usually very crowded on weekensds and even during the week. Unfortunately this has made it a tourist rather than a bushwalk.

    2) at my last visit the short cut track at Leura cascades was closed because of a landslide. The longer route the Leura Cascades Round Walk is also closed. This means access to the valley via Leura Cascades  is closed so Fern Bower track must be used instead. For more information see here.

    3) Sections between Leura Cascade and Gordon Falls have been affeted by landslides and are now closed. These are from Tarpeien Rock to Olympian Rock and Elysian Rock to Gordon Falls.

    Last updated : 04 Sep 2021


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    Crimson Rosella - Prince Henry Cliff Walk


    Grass Tree (on the edge) - Bridal Veil View